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Dive into your destiny

Ten years ago, I made the most important decision of my life: to listen to my intuition and follow my instincts.

yoga teacher

chakra therapist

Prenatal yoga teacher


Spiritual call

I decided to leave everything behind, to go work in Bali and attend my first yoga class. At that time, my emotional life was complicated; I had just experienced a professional failure and didn't know which direction to take in my life.

There, I had an unexpected encounter that would change me forever: spirituality. A discipline of the mind that allows one to control their thoughts and self-reveal.

For three years, I practiced yoga and meditation under the guidance of mentors until I became a yoga teacher. This period transformed me. I lived in harmony, with full awareness, cultivating stable and positive thoughts. To the extent that for a few weeks, I reached a state of intense peace, love, and beauty.



crystal clear

Until one day, while walking through a market, my eyes landed on a crystal that hypnotized me. The stone blurred everything around me, but as I knew nothing about crystals and didn't have much money, I initially walked away. Then, I returned the next day to buy it, and that's when my relationship with crystals began.

I discovered that crystals were a means of rebalancing chakras, that the state of mindfulness I had previously experienced corresponded to the opening of my crown chakra, and that crystals were a tool to reconnect me to that state.



the crystal talisman

Through this state of non-judgment, openness, and empathy, I understood that I wanted to share and give others the opportunity to be listened to, understood, and not judged. And that's why I became a chakra therapist, and from there, my relationship with crystals intensified.

Today, I am convinced that crystals are a way to self-discovery, to direct our thoughts in order to better understand and develop ourselves. They allow us to connect with our intuition by guiding us towards who we truly are. And that's why I created The Crystal Talisman.


my experiences

experiencial markets wordwide

collective and individual guided meditations

chakra and crystal worshops

chakra healing sessions

chakra therapist

Unlock your inner balance with our exclusive chakra therapy session, designed to harmonize your energy and deepen your understanding of crystals.